Tattoos with meaning

What Does Ghost Tattoo Mean?

Ghosts are a really popular subject with our culture today. There are all sorts of movies made about them and we have been hearing stories about ghosts since we were little kids. In most cases, ghosts represent something very scary that we don’t want to deal with. However, ghosts don’t always have to be scary. If we look at them as just a spirit that hasn’t passed on to the afterlife yet, it makes it a little easier to cope with and maybe we look at it as a family member watching over us.

No matter how you choose to look at ghosts, they are a big part of our lore and history. This makes them hot topics in many cases and there is a fan base of people that are interested in ghosts and movies that include them. There are even shows where people go “ghost hunting”. The people that love this genre of our culture have been known to get ghost tattoos as well. What do they mean though? This is why we are here today.


In this post we will be talking about ghosts and the history and lore behind them. We will discuss the ghost tattoo meaning and what the tattoo might mean to somebody that has it. We will also talk about some of the fun ghost variations that we have seen over the years and talk about what they mean. You might be running out of the house to get your own ghost tattoo by the end of this post.

About the Ghost

In our lore, a ghost is the spirit or soul of a dead being that appears to the living. They are also known as phantoms, haunts, apparitions, shades and poltergeists to name a few. The descriptions of ghosts vary greatly from person to person. Ghosts can also be undead creatures like demons or zombies. However, most of us think of the translucent or invisible presence in a room. In many cases we can only feel them but many claim to have seen them and many stories and movies revolve around that.

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