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Does Stress Cause Dandruff?

People can have a variety of problems due to stress. These days every person has busy routines and excessive work pressures. There are also various other factors like for students this can be the pressure of studies and for others it can be in their relative field of work be they are sports people or a tv personality. Therefore there are various forms of pressure that a person can go through. These take a toll on the health and people get sleepless nights. Another problem that occurs is that a person gets less sleep than that person should if they are in a relaxed mind.


These therefore cut on the sleep and a person who should normally get 8 to 10 hours of sleep gets a maximum of only 4 or 5 hours of sleep in a day. These all cause health problems. These can be problems to absorption of the food that they take in or this can also lead to poor metabolism.

A person who stays under these problems they often neglect drinking enough water as well. Therefore the body does not stay hydrated either. These are several causes for which the hormones can also start to function improperly leading to weaker roots and flakiness.

Can Stress Cause Dandruff:

Dandruff is caused by a fungus called Malassezia which is why many people try getting rid of this with the help of anti fungal remedies. However, if a person has poor hygiene and other health complications, this will not be helpful.

According to scientists research says that when a person is under heavy pressure and their mind is not in a relaxed position, the body can produce glucocorticoid which helps to sooth the brain cells. This hormone can make it easier for fungus to get deposited on the head. This is one of the main factors how these work in a cyclical fashion and therefore these are said to be a fact.

See More: Fungus Infection Dandruff

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