Health & wellness

9 Best Diet Teas For A Quick Weight Loss and Body Detox

Are you planning to lose weight? Have you lost hope by trying different diet regime? Then you can now stow away the dumb bells and get your kettle on. There is no one best diet tea for weight loss. It is advised to try more than one tea per day, for each tea has its own nutritional goodness.


Best Diet Teas That Work For Weight Loss:

The Diet teas discussed below aid in quick weight loss, but also cleanse the colon and increasing your metabolism. They flush out toxins, block fat cells and help you reduce those extra inches around your waist.

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You should start the day with a fresh cup of tea, instead of coffee. Coffee contains higher amount of calorie than tea. You should have the tea without milk or sugar. Both milk and sugar contain fat stomping ability and increase the body weight.

Diet Iced Tea:

You can have unsweetened iced tea instead of soda, during lunch and dinner. Diet sodas or any type of sugary drink increases the weight of a body. The sodium content in diet soda makes the body retain water. So, it eventually increases weight of the body. Iced tea will offer you the same effect during the afternoon as that of hot tea or coffee.

  • Brew some tea leaves and prepare decoction
  • Add some cold water and ice cubes
  • Add honey, lemon and mint for taste

Diet Slimming Tea:

You can get packaged diet slimming teas, which contain a laxative ingredient. These teas also contain castor oil, aloe, rhubarb root, senna, buckthorn, and agarwood.

  • Just Add a tea bag to a cup of hot water and wait till the tea gets brewed

However, if you are consuming a diet tea, then make sure not to intake too much. This could result in developing nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, dehydration, persistent diarrhea, and fainting. So, you should not consume more than one cup of diet tea in a day. You should also consult your healthcare professional before drinking this.

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