Tattoo ideas

What Does Coordinates Tattoo Mean?

Anyone looking for a tattoo idea that is a bit outside of the box should consider getting a coordinates tattoo. These are the type of tattoos that are simple yet look amazing on the skin. Plus, there are hundreds of different ways that you can get them designed. On this page we are going to go over some of the most common reasons why people get coordinates tattoos and some of the creative ways that you can get them inked on your skin.

A coordinates tattoo can say a lot about a person, but they are also some of the most personal tattoos around because often outsiders have no idea what those coordinates represent. That mysteriousness might be why these tattoos have grown so much in popularity. On top of that, these are great tattoos to get if you want a cool-looking tattoo that has a meaning that you don’t want outsiders to know about until you want to share the meanings with them.


The most common reason why someone might choose to get a coordinates tattoo is to remember a special place that they visited. Most people will put the exact location of that place by simply including all of the coordinates’ numbers in their design. Sometimes the numbers will be written exactly as you’d see them on a map, while other times people will find a creative way to display them in their designs.

Coordinates tattoos are often also love tattoos because they can represent where someone met or fell in love with their significant other. This is one of those “outside the box” tattoos that people love to get these days because they don’t want to get a design that hundreds of other people have. You can be pretty sure that no one else is going to have the coordinates that you have in your love tattoo.

Some people will get their coordinates tattoos to represent a special place that they went with their families when they were younger. For example, if you and your family had a beach house that you went to when you were younger and you created a lot of great memories there, that place could make for an excellent coordinates tattoo. If you think about it, this is a great tattoo idea for anyone trying to find some extra images to include in their family tattoos, but it also works quite well on its own.

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