Clothing and style

2 Simple Ways to Upgrade Your Business Casual Style

Style is all about the small details that can make or break your outfit. This post reveals two ways to upgrade your style without buying any new clothes.


Note: Thanks to KK&Jay and Million Dollar Collar sponsoring this post.
I was watching a clip from Shark Tank the other day and couldn’t help noticing the impeccable style of my favorite shark, Daymond John – who happens to be 5’7?.

Daymond John (5’7?) sitting next to Mark Cuban

Sure, he was wearing a suit, but so was Mark Cuban. So why did Daymond look so much better than Mark?

Because he nailed the details.

If you search for photos of Daymond John, you’ll notice that he doesn’t make many style mistakes.

And that’s the difference between “good” style and “great” style. It’s all about the little details that most men either don’t know about or simple don’t care to address.

See Also: The Complete Guide to Business Casual Style

But you’re not most men. You care about the details, and you’re willing to do what it takes to get them right. That’s why you’re here right now!

Luckily, there are some simple, affordable things you can do to take your style from good the great.

The best part is, you don’t even have to buy any new clothes! Let’s talk about two specific methods.

If you prefer reading, read on!

Method #1: Tuck your shirt in properly.

The goal here is a clean, neat tuck that stays in place throughout the day.

But if you’re like me, you’ve been through the frustrating experience of having your shirt come untucked when you reach your arms up, which leads to the dreaded “muffin top” look.

Now, if you have trouble maintaining a perfect tuck all day long, I suggest you watch my video about how to keep your shirt tucked in.

Trust me…it’s a great tucking video!

If you watch that video, you’ll see that there’s one technique that works best, which is using shirt stays (also called “shirttail garters”).

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