Health & wellness

How to Do Anusara Yoga Asanas and Benefits

Anusara Yoga was founded by John Friend in 1997. It became popular in United States very soon and spread to Asia and Europe in no time. It is one of the most meaningful form of yoga to be seen and has several interesting poses shared in the following few paragraphs.


Anusara Yoga Poses:

We have enlisted below some best Anusara Yoga Asanas and their benefits.

1. The Half Moon Pose:

The Half Moon Pose challenges your leg muscles and your balancing abilities. There are several modifications for this particular pose so that both beginners and advanced learners can practice it. It also has health benefits such as lengthening the spine, stretching the harm strings and opening up the chest. It also reduces anxiety and stress.

2. The Half Locust Pose:

The half locust pose is also known as Salabhasana. It tones and strengthens your body and helps you deepen the ends of your back with ease. It opens your lungs and helps you breathe better. The muscles in your legs, torso and buttocks also get toned and well shaped. It will also provide strength to your chest and abdominal muscles.

[Read: How to Practice Divya Yoga]

3. The Crocodile Pose:

Lie flat on the floor on your stomach and widen your legs. Squeeze your buttocks and lift your chest up. Tuck your chin in and slowly put your forehead on your arms. Relax. Hold your breath in this position for a few seconds and repeat this pose a couple of times. This will help you do the Crocodile pose, which is considered very important in Anusara yoga.

4. The Boat Pose:

For the boat pose, sit on your yoga mat and gently put your feet out. Lean your body towards the back and lift your legs off the floor. Put your legs out in such a way that they are parallel to the floor. Release your thighs and let your palms face towards the body. Stay in this pose for about five to ten breathes and the repeat a few times.

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