Hair typeNatural

Here’s Why Your Natural Hair Isn’t Growing

Your natural hair may have stopped growing and you’re frustrated. I mean we all would be, especially if you’ve been on a growth journey for a while with little to no results. Though a fragment of hair growth can depend on genetics, this often isn’t why your natural hair isn’t growing. There may be other routines in your daily life that can damage your hair, often leading to an unsatisfied hair growth process.

Though you may think, ‘my afro hair is not growing‘ or ‘my natural hair stopped growing’, this is often not true. On the contrary, your hair is continually growing, but retaining length is where the difficulty comes in for many.


Your hair may be breaking off just as fast as it is growing. The goal is to figure out why your hair isn’t growing while learning to incorporate healthy routines to develop and retain your hair length.


Why Is Your Natural Hair Not Growing?

To obtain the maximum amount of hair growth retention, you must pay close attention to how you take care of your hair. Your hair may be lacking too much of something while getting more of something than it needs. Finding the right balance is key.

1. Lack of Moisture

The importance of helping your hair to stay moisturized is crucial in the hair growth process. Dry and brittle hair can often be one of the leading causes of hair breakage.

Different hair types may require different amounts of oils, so knowing the various products that help keep your hair moisturized is just as important as knowing your hair type. Deep condition weekly to receive maximum moisture retention.


2. Too Much Heat

You may enjoy straightening your hair with flat irons or blow dryers on high heat to obtain a beautiful silky look. Still, too much of this can cause dry and brittle hair, eventually causing your hair to lose its natural texture/curl pattern.

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