
Why Am I So Hungry After Working Out – Exercise Hunger Pangs

Does going hungry after working out sound familiar? Well, the good news is that you are not alone. It is common to feel extremely hungry after exercising.

Exercise tends to burn up calories using your stock of glycogen, which increases your appetite.


Exercise also leaves you dehydrated. Failure to drink enough water before, during, and after a workout will leave you feeling hungrier. Also, not drinking enough water before a workout leads to increased hunger pangs later. If you prefer to exercise while in a fasted state, you will end up feeling hungrier.

Sometimes, your appetite might go down during or just after exercising, but hunger hormones might be on the rise later in the day, making you overeat. Satiety hormone levels also tend to go down, which makes it harder for you to feel satiated.

Exercise has been found to help with weight maintenance and not weight loss. It also helps you to reduce belly fat and avoid getting diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular issues. Apart from this, you are bound to live a happier, healthier life.

You do not have to quit working out since it is a healthy habit. What you should understand is that exercise will definitely up your appetite and so, you should know how to deal with the situation. There are different circumstances that make you very hungry after a workout, and these include:

• Depleted glycogen levels

• Inadequate pre-workout fuel

• Exercise tends to increase appetite

• Dehydration


How to Keep Your Hunger Pangs at Bay:

1. Choose the Right Meal

If you eat a piece of cake and wash it down with a soft drink after a workout, you will always feel hungry. Foods that are filled with refined sugars and additives don’t offer you the required nutrition. They tend to raise your blood sugar levels, making you feel hungry just an hour later. This will definitely lead to unhealthy snacking.

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