Lifestyle & relationships

What To Do When a Girl Abruptly Ends a Relationship With You

Breakups are never easy. This is especially the case when you are the one getting dumped. While you can often see it coming, there are just as many instances where your partner breaking things off comes as a shock. This is the worst feeling of all and feels like you have been ambushed. When a girl abruptly ends a relationship with you it can really put you in a dark place. You will have many questions as to why and all sorts of thoughts and ideas will fill your mind.

But your girlfriend most likely has a different view. From her perspective, there has most likely been a problem with your relationship for a while and she may have even been giving you signs about this that you just ignored. Whatever her reasons, when it happens it is devastating and will leave you asking yourself, why and what now?


Why Did She Break Up With Me?

This is a good question. While you might have thought things were fine, it is obvious that for her things haven’t been going the way she wanted. She has most likely been unhappy for months. Just because you are together doesn’t mean she is always going to express her thoughts and feelings (although this should be the case in a healthy relationship). Or maybe she did and you didn’t listen or waved her away thinking it was no big deal. She could have been dropping subtle hints that you were oblivious to. There could have been dozens of signs that you missed. Think about how your relationship has been going the months prior to her dumping you. Was it really as rosy as you think?

When you are dumped suddenly it usually lends itself to two different scenarios. One is that she has been unhappy for a long time and you just didn’t read the signs. The other is that she has met someone else and is trying to make a clean break. Both will hurt and cause you pain, but there is nothing you can do to change the way she feels. No matter how much it hurts, you have to respect her decision and try and pick up the pieces of your broken heart.

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