College life

What to Wear and Pack on a Hiking Trip

Some of us may be in the midst of Spring Break, while others are fanatically planning last minute accommodations in between classes. I used to think that Spring Break meant partying on a beach in Florida (it still does), but the more I hear others’ plans, it seems that some are more adventurous than that.

Last week, my sister spilled her Spring Break plans on road tripping to Colorado where she plans to do some first-time hiking in the Rocky National Park, but she had no idea of what to wear or bring for her first hiking trip.


As an outdoors enthusiast (or nature nerd), I felt like answering this question was my calling! I’ve trekked the Smoky Mountains, explored the Carlsbad Caverns, mountain biked around the outskirts of the Grand Canyon, admired the beauty of Monument Valley, and more.

With all this experience, I have my fair share of mistakes that were made. Okay.. okay. Lots of mistakes! But, in the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.”

With my current knowledge, here are my tips and outfit guides that you can use for your own adventure!  

Table of Contents

Tip #1: Check the Weather and Bring Rain Gear Anyway

I’m embarrassed to say how many hiking trips I went on where I severely underestimated the weather. (Between you and me…we’ll just pretend it’s like two trips.) 

My first battle with bad weather happened in the Tennessee Smoky Mountains during Spring where forecasters predicted a 20 percent chance of rain. This 20 percent chance of rain meant hitting a full on thunderstorm three-fourths the way up the mountain with still a 1.5 miles upward hike left until we made it to shelter. This experience was memorable… and not in a good way.

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