Style & tattoo ideas

50 Traditional Hourglass Tattoo Designs For Men – Passage Of Time

With every minute we gain, we lose another. Time is the one thing that nobody has control over and everyone would like more of. Nothing represents that more than the traditional hourglass shape, a slow dripping reminder that nothing lasts forever.

Do you chase the highs in life? Then you are possibly running from your own mortality.


Or maybe you embrace every second that this precious life has to offer, and you celebrate it each and every day.

The top bulb of an hourglass represents the birth, a huge event that can never be recreated again. The smallest part of the hourglass is the most significant portion, the time that we spend on this earth. At the bottom, all of your life experiences collect and gather together to form you as a person. For at the final moment, you will be the sum of all that you did on this earth, and then you will be gone.

Of course, the curves of an hourglass bring to mind a voluptuous full-bodied woman. While our culture now reveres emaciation and slight figures, there are those men who long every single curve that can be found on a luscious woman. The roundness of hips, fullness of breasts, so much to see and hold and love.

Whether there is one woman in your life that you love, or you love to admire them all, a traditional hourglass tattoo represents all of those sexy touchable curves.




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