
Tips to Get a Tattoo Without Your Parents Knowing

Tattoos are a kind of permanent body art. It is nothing less than an artistic work; however, not all art pieces are appropriate for specific environments; that’s why most parents and even the religious and professional work setting consider it inappropriate.

According to a recent survey in 2019 by Ipsos Group, one in every ten individuals in the United States has a tattoo. In general, tattoos are becoming more widely accepted, whether they are tiny or large, and the culture as a whole has been more acceptable over the last few years. While tattoos are trendy nowadays, not everyone is comfortable with them, particularly those with conservative views.


Getting a tattoo may be frowned upon by your parents and family, who may be offended by your decision to have one for religious or moral grounds or any other reason.

Nevertheless, if tattoos are something you are passionate about and looking forward to getting one on your body. And you’ve already tried everything to persuade your parents to let you get a tattoo and now seeking tips and tricks on hiding tattoos from parents. Then, this article will help you out!

We’ve compiled a list of the finest techniques on how you can not be caught, following how you can get a tattoo without letting your parents know, a few best places to hide them, and how to tell your mom you got a tattoo.

Table of Contents

How Can I Get a Tattoo Without My Parents Knowing?

Clear Your Browser Search Histories

If you are under 18 or using your parent’s devices for browsing tattoo designs, nearest tattoo stores, etc. You must clear all of your browser histories before leaving. It is also appropriate if your browsing accounts (Such as Google or iOS accounts) are shared with your parents. And your parents are frequently controlling or monitoring your online activities.

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