
5 Steps to Becoming a Pro Thrift Store Shopper

If you consider shopping to be your cardio, think of thrift store shopping as that killer gym workout that leaves you sweating and satisfied by the end.

That’s because shopping exclusively in resale stores — much like high-intensity aerobic exercises designed to get your blood pumping and your body moving — can be physically taxing and oh-so rewarding.


Sure, you’re not sprinting in place (unless there’s a major sale going on and you’ve spotted a fantastic J.Crew cashmere sweater at the same time as a rival shopper) or lifting five-pound weights (except when you’re balancing six jeans on one hand and seven long-sleeved blouses on the other), but the effort put into thrifting is equal to the major savings you encounter adding up final shopping cart items.

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Savings up to 99% off retail prices, to be precise.

Want resale to be your new retail? Follow my tips to master thrift store shopping and never go back to full price again.

Also, if you prefer to shop online, be sure to see our guide to the best ONLINE thrift stores to shop right now.

Scour the area

For first-time shoppers, the process of buying thrift will feel like it never ends. Done right, it never has to. 

(Meaning you’ll always go back to restores to find designer goods at slashed prices, not that you’ll be trapped in a nightmarish microcosm à la The Terminal.)

To find the best stores in your area, simply ask for friendly recommendations and use Google or Facebook as a resource. Keywords you can use are: thrift store, antique store, secondhand store, used clothing store, charity store, and consignment store. You can also locate charity shops via

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