College life

10 Things to Do Before You Turn 21

You’re about to turn 21 and you have your whole life ahead of you — it’s a lot to take in. 

There’s so much excitement surrounding this milestone birthday that you may get caught up in the commotion of it all. That said, there are some things that you should definitely make time for before your birthday rolls around. Although you have your whole life to continue making memories, below are a few things to do before you turn 21!


(Psst: If you haven’t planned your 21st birthday celebration yet, see our list of 21st birthday ideas for tips!)

Also Read: 21st Birthday Outfits: 6 Perfect Looks for Your Special Day

Table of Contents

1. Explore your state 

Sometimes it can feel like you’ve done everything there is to do within the boundaries of your current state. However, this really isn’t true!

Maybe there’s something that you always wanted to do as a child but seems lame now, or maybe there’s a local tourist trap in town that no local ever dare to go to. Take a chance to explore what your state has to offer before your milestone birthday rolls around. You might even find your new favorite location.

2. Knock off something on your bucket list

Maybe you’ve always wanted to go skydiving, or to kiss a stranger. Whatever the items on your bucket list may be, try to cross at least one thing off before you turn 21. You’re young and you have the freedom to do what you want, so you might as well use that to your advantage!

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