College life

The Freshman Experience: Your Questions, Answered!

So last week I opened the floor to you – our loyal readers. I outlined some of my misconceptions about college and then offered to answer your most burning questions about college.

I was thrilled by the responses that I got! I have to say – many of your questions hit very close to home. I would nod along as I read your questions, thinking to myself, “Yeah, that sounds familiar!” or “Believe me, I understand your confusion.”


College is an amazing time – it is challenging, rewarding, exciting, full of opportunities, and fun! However, it is one of the most difficult and confusing transitions in life – for most of us, it’s our first time away from home, our first time being personally responsible, and the first big life decision we have to make.

I feel honored that I can offer my expertise and aid you girls with your various situations. Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of questions, I cannot answer every single one in this post. Instead, I’ll address some of the major concerns about college that were trending.

Table of Contents

1. How do I choose the right school or career path for me?

It’s hard. There’s no way around it! In fact, right before I sat down to answer your questions, I met with my career services advisor at Northeastern. Planning out your future is stressful and exhausting. However, it can also be an amazing way to explore your personal values.

Choosing a school

There are so many factors that contribute to choosing which college to attend. Consider size – do you want to be cheering in a Big Ten football stadium with 50,000 other students or do you want classes of 20? Consider location. Do you want a big city, a rural area, or the suburbs? Consider the program! Which school offers courses you want to take? Take a look at the curriculums required for your major. Does one appeal to you more than the other?

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