Tattoo ideas

What Does Snowflake Tattoo Mean?

Winter and snowy weather can be cold and wet. Many people don’t enjoy and even choose to leave the place they grew up to enjoy more sunlight and warmer weather. However, anyone that stays or leaves cannot the deny the beauty of the snow or the little snowflakes that make up the white blanket that covers the ground.

When we think of snow, it takes up back to when we were children building snowmen and throwing snowballs at our friends. It might even remind us of holding hands with our partner, seeing our breath and holding on to each other so stay warm. The real beauty of the snow isn’t just in it’s sparkle and white color, but the individual snowflakes that make up the snow. In fact, it’s their beauty and symbolism that make them such a popular subject for tattooing and we will talk about why that is.


In this post we will talk a bit about the snowflake and what makes them they beautiful and unique designs that they are. We will also discuss the meaning behind the snowflake tattoo and what it symbolizes for the people that have it. We will also talk about the different variations of snowflake tattoo.

What is a Snowflake?

Each snowflake that falls is unique from the next and so they can be designed in countless ways. Snowflakes are intricate and delicate, often rendered in white, light hues of blue, purple, or pink, or done in simple contour lines or an outline. Many snowflakes placed together, often minute in size, gives the appearance of snow falling from the sky. A single snowflake can also appear on its own. Regardless, snowflakes are a representation of individualism.

Multiple snowflakes, each differing in appearance and design, emphasize the symbol of uniqueness. Various colors and thicknesses can be used as well. Snowflakes placed in a linear or circular form are sometimes designed in graduating order, where the first snowflake is very simple, and the following snowflakes become more intricate in detail. This graduation is a representation of development and growth with the addition of a winter theme. The choice of a snowflake, however it is designed, can serve as a symbol of the climate in which the individual lives or enjoys.

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