Tattoo ideas

What Does R.I.P. Tattoo Mean?

An image that contains the acronym, R. I. P. (rest in peace, requiescat in pace in the original Latin) is a tribute to the passing on of a loved one or, more abstractly, an aspect or concept that has seemed to fade away. Most often, RIP is used to commemorate a death with respect and compassion. It is traditionally found on tombstones followed by the name of the deceased as well as the date of their birth and the date of their passing. This has been introduced into tattoos that serve as a constant reminder of the life and presence of the soul who has passed on.

An RIP tattoo is a tribute to the deceased but it also a cathartic experience for the individual that may help them find closure in a difficult time. The Caduceus, a dagger or staff with a snake wound around it, can be included in RIP tattoos as it represents healing. Although the acronym is used ubiquitously today, it’s rooted in early Christian history when it originally referenced those who had died had died with the peace of Christ in their hearts. Now, it is used less specifically as a religious statement but as a wish of respect.


Requiescat in pace has been found on tombstones and other memorials for hundred of years. Since the eighth century, RIP was used by the Catholic church to designate good Christians who spent their lives dedicated to the church. Before this, the Hebrew rendering of the phrase was used in Judaism to describe a deceased person who lived righteously and died for a righteous cause. In these cases, the entire phrase was chiseled into stone and it was not until recently that the acronym replaced the phrase. Tattoo designs that include the phrase, especially in Latin, convey a sense of history and significance because the time was taken to write the words rather than the simpler shorthand.

Whether design accompanies the script or the script stands alone, a tattoo featuring RIP is used as a means of expressing grief and compassion for a person who has died. RIP designs that include nothing more than “RIP” usually rely on large, grandeur fonts to create a fuller tattoo. In some cases, Rest in Peace is used rather than the acronym and the “P” is interchanged for Paradise, referencing a beautiful afterlife.

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