BeautySkin care

How to Get Rid of Pimples On Forehead? – Causes, Home Remedies & Treatments!

If you have noticed small reddish bumps on your forehead with a pus-filled center, you are having Forehead Acne. While acne is usually caused due to hormonal changes or skin disorders, the forehead is particularly caused due to excess oil on your scalp or even dandruff. Not washing your hair often or using the wrong products can also leave you with ugly looking small pimples on forehead. In this article, we shall discuss the ways to control pimples on forehead, using simple, yet effective home remedies.


What Causes Forehead Acne?

The forehead is more susceptible to acne, as it is close proximity to your scalp and is in the infamous “T” zone of your face. While Oily, greasy scalp and skin are the main reasons for pimples on the forehead, poor hygiene and hormones also contribute to it. Let us understand the causes of pimples on the forehead in detail.

  • Blockage of Sebaceous Glands: When these glands are blocked by excess sebum or bacteria, they turn into pimples.
  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal imbalance during menstruation or puberty can also lead to forehead acne
  • Stress: Excess stress is also one of the main forehead acne causes.
  • Scalp problems: This is the main culprit behind forehead acne. The excess oil on the scalp or even dandruff can infect the glands, leading to pimples.
  • Hygiene: A greasy, unclean scalp and skin are more vulnerable to acne
  • Hair Products: Using products that are quite oily or chemical-laden, can contribute to forehead acne
  • Other Factors: Wearing excessive makeup or using scarfs and hats, which block your pores can aggravate the skin in the forehead area and give rise to acne.

How to Get Rid Of Pimples On Forehead?

Forehead acne is not only embarrassing to deal with but also your discomfort. Even the slightest touch on the area can irritate your skin and aggravate the condition. While medicated solutions are readily available in the market, they can dehydrate your skin and cause other side effects. Fortunately for us, our Kitchen offers the best cure for forehead pimples with many commonly used ingredients.

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