Tattoos with meaning

What Does Naruto Tattoo Mean?

Naruto is a Japanese anime series that follows the journeys and adventures of a young adolescent ninja who has hopes of one day becoming the leader of his village. The name of this young ninja is Naruto Uzumaki, hence the name of the series, ‘Naruto’. There are over 500 episodes of Naruto, the first half of the Naruto series, which aired from October 3rd, 2002 until February 8th, 2007, focuses on Naruto being a child in his early pre-teen years. This series ended with around 220 episodes. A week later, the series picked back up but with a slight difference. While the first half of the anime is following the life of Naruto as he was a child, the second half that aired from February 15th, 2007 to March 23rd, 2017, shows the main character as he grows up to be a teenager. The second half of this series, with double the air time as the first half, came out with around 500 episodes. All together, Naruto has had over 700 anime episodes. Naruto did not originally air on television however. Before the anime series took off, Naruto began as a Japanese manga, a comic that’s created in Japan. The Japanese Naruto manga was published in 1997. The manga itself has around 72 volumes.

Naruto Part 1

The hidden leaf village in the Land of Fire, known as Konoha, is being destroyed by a rampaging powerful beast in the shape of a fox called Nine-Tails. This beast is captured by the leader of the village and the spirit of the fox is then stored inside the leader’s newborn baby, Naruto. Doing this cost Naruto’s father his life, Naruto being just an infant at the time has no recollection of these events. Once the leader of the village passed on, the leader of Konoha before him came out of retirement to watch over the village. As Naruto ages, he doesn’t understand why the people of the village look down upon him as if he is a threat. 12 years down the road, Naruto is told the story of how the beast of Nine-Tails the fox beast was captured and put inside Naruto’s body as a host.

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