
Grooming for Modest Men, Part 1: Skin Care

Which is more important to you – grooming or clothing? Most of us tend to favor one over the other by putting more time and energy into it.


This post was written by Josh Meyer (founder of Brickell Men’s Products).

Every man, whether 6’6 or 5’6, should have a proper skin care and grooming routine. Not only will you look and feel better, but taking care of your skin and hair is just as essential as taking care of your muscles and mind.

While height and stature do play a role in life, they’re certainly not everything. Who would you pick in the following situation (whether business or in the dating world): The 6’4 guy who looks tired, weathered, and unkempt or the youthful, 5’6 guy with style, and an energized appearance? The choice is obvious.

In this first post (part 1 of 2), I’ll outline the basics of good skin care routines. In the second part of this series, we’ll cover hair care and facial hair.

Does skin care and grooming actually matter for men?

Guys don’t get together and talk about skin care or grooming, like women do. We talk about sports, women, or our latest life adventures. Nor, growing up, do most men get taught by anyone on how to properly take care of their skin, unlike most women.

So why, as a man, should you care about grooming and skin care? Because your face is your money maker and unless you hit the genetic lottery, it won’t take care of itself magically. Not only does a well groomed face attract a significant other more easily, but it could also get you 10% more in pay.

As a man, your skin is unique and using female or unisex products just won’t cut it. The reason for the differences is due to testosterone. The biggest differences are:

Your skin is 25% thicker than a woman’s, primarily due to having higher collagen density than a woman, providing a stronger structural base for the skin. This means less creasing and folding of the skin, also known as wrinkles.

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