Style & tattoo ideas

60 Lightning Tattoo Designs For Men – High Voltage Ideas

All it takes is one to two microseconds to witness the awe-inspiring powerful burst of electric jolting through the clouds. In a single blink of the eye, millions sometimes billions of volts surge the sky at temperatures reaching an impressive 36000 °F.

While your chances are being struck by lightning may be quite rare, the truth is every single second there are 100 strikes hitting the earth at any given time.


It’s a good reason why these electrical storms have long-standing meanings and symbolizes behind them.

For instance, in Heraclitus, you’ll find mentions like, “the Thunderbolt that steers the course of all things”

Not to mention, in Hittite methodology, people of the Bronze Age considered it a symbol of Teshub, the god of the skies and storms.

When it comes to religions, like Vedic, the main choice for the god of Indra has been said to a thunderbolt. In Greek mythology, you’ll find the same is true for Zeus who was gifted the thunderbolt by Cyclops. Originally, it started off as a gift from Jupiter ,which is why you’ll see it on all sort of Roman and Greek coins. Most commonly with the eagle clasping a thunderbolt in between it’s claws.

For the Celtics, Tararis was the god of thunder. While, Thor in Germanic mythology was the god of all thunder and lighting.

Over time, the symbolism of lightning has literally transformed into numerous meanings. For some it’s a reminder of keeping grounded and staying focusing on the things that seem to become distant over time. You can also look at it as a homecoming for major life changes or significant moments in life.

No matter how you view this electrostatic discharge in the clouds, I’d like to share with you a collection of the top 60 best lightning tattoo designs for men. You’ll truly be shocked by some of these creative and masculine design ideas!

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