
Is It Safe To Eat Lettuce During Pregnancy And Other Concerns Answered

Pregnancy is a phase dreamt by every woman. The major concern in this phase of pregnancy has a healthy and good diet. Which can provide nutrients into the body, which can help with the health of pregnant women and also the growth of the fetus. While several fruits and vegetables are generally recommended to eat during this phase, there is nothing like lettuce, which is a leafy vegetable which is loaded with several nutrient values to help for your health.

Know more about eating lettuce during pregnancy and the benefits associated with it in this article.


What Is Lettuce?

Lettuce pregnancy is commonly heard words. But what are we talking about? Lettuce is a leafy vegetable. Lettuce is a common green leafy vegetable that is an integral ingredient in most of the salads. It is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibres. Lettuce is mostly eaten uncooked and used in salads. It is also grilled apart from being included in soups and wraps. Lettuce is power packed with anti-oxidants and foster lower cholesterol levels. Lettuce also helps you to lose weight, owing to the rich nutrient in the vegetable. Top it on your crackers and make it a point to include in your diet.

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Nutritional Facts Of Lettuce During Pregnancy:

Given below are multiple nutritional benefits of lettuce that you must never ignore, especially when pregnant.

  • Lettuce is known to be the powerhouse of Vitamin K. This vitamin aids blood clotting, and it reduces the risk of haemorrhage during pregnancy.
  • Dietary fibres are very good for the body and prevent constipation and other bowel related disorders during pregnancy.
  • It has been stated that a cup of lettuce meets 19% of the total Vitamin A requirement of the body. This vitamin is essential for the embryonic growth. That is the development of the central nervous, respiratory and circulatory system, of the growing baby.
  • Folic acid in your diet helps to prevent the occurrence of birth defects in your baby. Moreover, it also prevents anaemia from developing in the early stages of your pregnancy. Lettuce leaves have a very high content of folic acid and must, therefore, be included in your daily diet.
  • Lettuce is also a rich source of potassium. That assists in maintaining optimum electrolyte balance during pregnancy. Lack of potassium in the diet results in leg cramps, thereby causing discomfort during pregnancy.
  • Calcium is necessary for the strong bone development of the growing baby. And also prevents osteoporosis in expectant mothers. Eating lettuce during pregnancy gives you a good dose of calcium.
  • Lettuce also has a very high content of B-complex group of vitamins like riboflavin, pyridoxine, and thiamine. These essential vitamins are required to ensure the overall good health of the mother and the baby.

Can You Eat Lettuce When Pregnant?

Lettuce in pregnancy is commonly recommended due to above mentioned nutritional facts. You can happily enjoy lettuce and pregnancy together. But make sure you wash it properly before use. There may be many bacteria and parasites, which may affect your health if not washed well. Rinse the leaves separately before cooking or consuming them.

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