Tattoo ideas

What Does Knee Tattoo Mean?

Knee tattoos certainly aren’t for everyone, but those who do get them often find that the knee area is the absolute best place for their design idea. The truth is that there are a lot of great designs that can work in the knee area and, believe it or not, these tattoos can be just as meaningful as tattoos placed anywhere else on the body.

If you are interested in getting a knee tattoo, this page was made for you! We’ll take a look at some of the most popular knee tattoos around today and reasons why one might be or might not be the right choice for you.


One of the reasons why some people do choose to get knee tattoos is because it gives them a unique spot for some type of idea that they had. For example, flower tattoos are most commonly put somewhere on the arm or on the back, so some people like to switch it up a bit by getting unique flower designs on their knees. The area itself makes your tattoo a little bit different, which is reason enough for some people to get their tats there.

Unlike most other areas of the body, knee tattoos are usually designed around the knee area rather than fitting the design to the knee later on. What’s great about this is that the knee area itself forces you to be a bit more creative since you are dealing with unique bumps and grooves that you won’t find on other areas. Even if you know you want to get something specific, you’ll still need to spend some time on the design to make sure that it pops out at the knee the exact what that you want it to.

For obvious reasons, the knee is a fantastic place on your body to get circular designs or designs that have some spirals included in them. This makes the tattoo artist’s job a lot easier and it makes the design make sense to the eyes. Even if your design does not naturally have a circular shape, there are usually ways to give it a more circular look so it works well on the knee.

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