Tattoos with meaning

What Does Italian Tattoo Mean?

The Italian people are very prideful of their heritage and for good reasons. So many great things came from Italy. Some of the best art in the world resides in Italy. The Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo is there, the Opera is rooted in Italy, some of the best fashion designers are there as well. We also can’t forget about pizza and The Godfather (I know this was made in America).

These are just a few of the things that make Italy such a great place but some Italians, or fans of the culture, want to represent their country in different ways than going to Italy. Some people choose to get tattoos to represent their heritage and the Italian tattoo is a very popular subject as there is a lot of pride involved. There are also plenty of symbols to choose from with a great deal of meaning for the country so finding one that most represents what you are trying to convey is important.


In this post we are going to talk about Italian tattoo meanings and what the different symbols represent. We will also get into some different variations of the Italian tattoo and talk about what those mean to the people with them. If you are going to get an Italian tattoo, it is important you know what you are getting so we hope this post helps you feel a bit more informed about the subject.

Italian Tattoo Meaning

The meaning of the Italian tattoo is pretty easy to gather. Most people will get tattoos for things they love or want to represent. Because those with Italian blood are so passionate about their home and in general, the tattoo is a great way to show that pride. Below are some of the different variations of the Italian tattoo that we have seen over the years and they all have a specific symbolism that relates to the Italian culture in some way. We understand there are plenty of other ways to get an Italian tattoo but this should give you enough to start with along with the pictures below.

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