Men's fashion guides

How To Wear White Jeans This Summer

White jeans are to a man’s wardrobe what Donald Trump is to the American electorate: no not a shouting scotch egg, but something that’s hard to miss and nothing if not completely polarising.

Despite their ability to split opinion like few other items in a man’s wardrobe, like clockwork they resurface and multiply each spring/summer season, and are worn often with wildly varying degrees of success.


So for those who want to try the pale stuff on for size, how do you tackle this notoriously tricky trend? To ensure you don’t look like a middle-aged mum abroad, take note of these seven rules for nailing wearing white jeans, and silence the naysayers like a sartorially accomplished pro in the process.

Block Up

Like its monochromatic brother, black, white is a killer summer color (okay, it’s not technically a ‘color’, but we haven’t the time for a science lesson) to contrast stronger shades against.

As such, try wearing white jeans with every man’s favorite dark hue – navy blue – for a sophisticated look that taps into the nautical look without going overboard.

The most redeeming feature of color-blocking in this way is that it draws the eye upward, which, if your legs are on the shorter, stockier side, helps elongate your frame and make you appear taller.


White Out

There’s a fair chance you spent the cooler months wearing black from head to toe. And rightly so – the tonal dressing trend is going nowhere, and it’s a reliable option for guys who like to look sharp without having to think too hard.

Fortunately, the same thing goes for wearing all-white. Wear white jeans with a plain white T-shirt or collarless shirt and a pair of minimal sneaker for an outfit that’s fresher than a pillow with a mint on it.

Some words of warning: if white steers a little too close to your skin tone, venture off-white until you’ve reached a hue that provides some contrast, or risk looking like a walking tube sock.

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