Clothing and style

How to Find Affordable Clothes That Actually Fit

How much money do you think most men spend on clothes every year? Hundreds of dollars? Thousands?

Most men, myself included, don’t spend all of their hard-earned money on clothing. In fact, the average man spends just $400-1200 per year on apparel.


Depending on how expensive your taste is and where you like to shop, this budget could go very quickly.

For the record, I believe in quality over quantity. I think you should splurge for certain items, like shoes. It’s better to spend $300 on a pair of high quality shoes that will be worn for 10+ years than $50/year on cheap shoes that don’t look or feel as good.

But I get a ton of emails from readers who want help finding affordable clothing. And the truth is, there are plenty of options for shorter guys who want to buy clothes that fit well and look great without breaking the bank.

So I’m going to walk through four ways to save money on clothing. They’re all great, but the last one is my favorite.

1. Tight budget? You can still go custom

I talk a lot about buying made-to-measure (MTM) clothing online. I’ve reviewed companies like Dragon Inside, Blank Label, Arden Reed and others. Many MTM companies charge a premium for their shirts and suits. After all, they are made to order, right?

But there are some affordable options. The best one I’ve found is Modern Tailor. Their dress shirts start at $59, and their suits start at $299, which is really good for a MTM suit.

Seriously, if you’ve been on the fence about going custom, there is no better time than right now to try it out. You can even get $20 off with this link, which means your first shirt will be $39. That’s less than most off-the-rack button ups.

2. Buy cheap, get it tailored

You already know that fit is the most important aspect of style. That’s why it’s so hard for short men to dress well, because we have a hard time finding clothes that fit. Higher end, designer type clothes usually tend to fit better, but even they aren’t perfect.

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