BeautySkin care

How To Remove Pimples (Acne) In One Day!

Nothing can be more distressing for a girl to wake up in the morning and spot a pimple on their face. Normally most of us look for ways to hide these unwanted eruptions or in some cases remain confined in the homes and wait for them to fade away. This is not required anymore as we show you how to get rid of pimples in a day.

Is it possible to remove pimples in one day? Yes, of course! This is the most common question asked by several teenagers who are preparing for a special event. First of all, you have to know about the causes of pimples. The pimples are a swelling of the skin, which means sebaceous glands become polluted with bacteria, puff up, along the block with pus. Surplus sebum discharge via the oil glands is the primary reason at the back of this problem. The pimples normally take place on the face, back, neck, and shoulders.


Causes Of Pimples:

Pimples are caused when a foreign body or sebum gets trapped inside the pores of the skin. This results in an infection and the formation of a lesion. Pimples form due to a number of causes and the main symptom of a pimple is trapped pus inside the skin bump. The following are some of the common causes for pimples:

  • Bacteria Growth
  • Ingrowth Hair Follicles
  • Excess Sebum
  • Dead Skin Cells Build up
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Certain Medicines
  • Dairy Products and High Glycemic Foods
  • Stress
  • Friction or Rubbing Skin

Types of Pimples:

Pimples are of many types. Although they look similar, there are different types of pimples caused to various reasons.

  • Cysts: Packed from pus, Cysts are not very common. They are a result of bacterial growth on the skin and are usually large, red, bumps that can be painful.
  • Whiteheads: Whiteheads are a mild form of acne that are a result of clogged pores due to excess sebum. They are small in size and round in shape.
  • Pustules or Nodules: Hard reddened portion full with pus plus it is hard due to clogging the pores. Pustules are caused due to bacterial infection that results in the formation of pus
  • Blackheads: Occurs due to bacteria plus dead skin cells increase. These turn black due to the oxidation of the skin.

Best Tips On How To Remove Acne In One Day:

Here are we mention the list of the 15 best methods to remove pimples in one day at home by using natural remedies.

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