Style & fashion

How to Measure Belt Size for Men – 5 Tips

A belt keeps your pants from falling, simple.

That’s exactly the type of thinking that can ruin your entire outfit.


A belt is more than an accessory that keeps your pants up. If it were, men would have simply stuck with using ropes to hold their pants!

If you’ve never given serious thoughts to your belt before, this is your wakeup call – pay attention to your belt. It can make all the difference in your overall outfit. A good-quality belt can be the main attraction that brings your outfit nicely together.

But beyond choose a good belt, how do you know the measurements to look out for? Read on to find out how to measure belt size.

What’s Your Belt Size?

“Dress up in a clean shirt and pair of pants, and reach for the next available belt.” That’s the worst piece of fashion advice. It is wrong on so many levels, but let’s not split hairs on all of that. The point is the next available belt might not be the best fitting one for you.

Here’s a simple question that many guys might find difficult to answer: do you know your belt size? Don’t fret if you don’t. Many guys are in the same shoe. Don’t believe me? Try and find out Google’s monthly stats on the number of searches for “how to measure belt size,” and you’ll be taken aback.

A lot of men don’t seem to know belt measurements, nor have the slightest clue on how men’s belts are sized. Figuring out how a belt should fit might still pose a bit of a challenge for some other men who may have already known their belt size.

But all of the confusion will start to go away when you invest a little extra time to learn about men’s fashion. Thankfully, there’s nothing complicated about fashion in men’s world.

You might be tempted to ask: “But why is belt size so important? Can I just use any belt? I mean, these things have several holes, and I can even make extra ones if it doesn’t fit.” Hello! That’s the “next available” thinking right there!

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