
12 Quick Tips That Make You Look Younger!

We all dream of looking young forever, but how many of us are willing to put in the work? Nothing happens unless we are eager to make some changes in the skincare routine. Although aging is a natural process, things can get accelerated with certain environmental factors, your lifestyle, and the amount of attention you pay to it. By having a balanced approach to life, you can take care of your skin naturally.


In this article, we have presented you with some tips you can implement to give you a sensible approach that helps you look younger naturally.

How To Look Younger Naturally?

Here are a few things you need to incorporate into your daily routine to help your skin look younger and more beautiful.

1. Protect Your Skin From Harmful Sunrays:

If you want to look younger than your age, there is an absolute need to protect your skin from harmful sunrays. This is because 90 % of your skin’s visible signs of ageing are because of the damage from the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. These rays cause a dull and saggy appearance, spots, uneven skin tone by breaking down the elastin in your skin.

Therefore whenever you go out, irrespective of the season, make sure to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects your skin from the harmful UVA and UVB rays. Reapplication is essential for sunscreen to work effectively.

2. Follow A Routine For CTM:

Cleansing, Toning, and Moisturizing (CTM) are the three most important steps of skincare. It is always necessary to follow a CTM routine whether you are just starting your day or going to bed. At the beginning of the day, cleanse your skin thoroughly and use a good quality toner and moisturizer to prep your skin before applying makeup.

Before going to bed, don’t forget to remove makeup, dirt from your skin and later tone and moisturize. You will be able to reduce breakouts and dullness by following this routine.

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