
Alopecia Areata Treatment

When mother nature has an answer to everything, she does have an answer for alopecia areata too. There are home remedies to use to curb the Hairfall menace, say holistic experts. One doesn’t have to invest in expensive parlour treatments, for in most cases it doesn’t work. Today we would like to speak more about the home remedies to treat such hair loss conditions. We ask you to please read on and be well informed for the same.


What Is Alopecia Areata:

Alopecia is nothing but heavily hair fall and hair loss in both men and women. Hair fall happen sudden in circular motion in different parts of the scalp and body. The Experts opine that individuals would lose around 100 hair strands on a daily basis, which is normal. However, if you notice tufts of hair and in plenty around your pillow, on the towel, on your clothes and anywhere else being left behind, this is when you should be concerned. Also please check for hair thinning symptoms, such as a bald patch, which would be alopecia when checked and confirmed by a dermatologist of repute.

It is around the time when men and women in their thirties face this condition the most. This is because of stress, hormonal imbalances and bad diets, which create a nuisance. There are ways to correct the factors leading to such conditions, one of them being herbal remedies, straight from the kitchen.

Natural Treatment For Alopecia Areata Curing:

In this article today we will educate you about how to cure or get rid of alopecia areata by using natural home remedies.

1. Any essential oil or oils, such as canola, castor, coconut or olive can be mixed in equal measures, warmed and applied directly on the scalp. Gentle massages in circulation modes would help. Use a hot turban therapy and keep the concoction on your scalp for half an hour, post which wash it off with a herbal shampoo only. Do this thrice a week and in a month you may see results of reversing.

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