College life

How to Conquer the Sunday Scaries

I am now a few weeks into my school year and at the point where everything has just started to blur together.

I have the same class schedule, same work schedule, and same mental breakdown every Sunday night due to my impending Monday doom.


Whether you call them “Sunday Scaries” or not, you are probably not immune to that feeling: it starts when you wake up peacefully Sunday morning, then your mind fills with dread as you remember all the things you put off over the weekend and how much partying you did instead of sleeping. An overwhelmed feeling fills every inch of your body until you inevitably burst into snotty, ugly tears. Sound familiar? Sunday Scaries.

It is a universal truth that Mondays just stink no matter how much you love your job, classes, or day-to-day activities. But, just because Mondays are the root of all our greatest fears does not mean it has to put a damper on Sundays!

Conquer your Sunday Scaries in these 5 easy steps:

Table of Contents

1. Live for Your Weeks, Not Just Your Weekends

Too often we find ourselves on a dreary Monday morning dreaming of our happy hour Fridays and fun time Saturdays. How can we expect to not feel slumpy on Sundays if there is nothing to look forward to?

Plan fun activities for your weeks, not just your weekends!

Whether it is taco Tuesdays with friends, a Wednesday night of pampering, or a Thursday movie night, plan something to look forward to on weekdays.

2. Don’t Let Your Bed Hold You Hostage

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and full of dread when you are just laying around thinking about it.

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