Style & hair care and styling

20 Hair Tips For Men – Foolproof Men's Hair Care Tactics

Often times, you can tell the measure of a man by his handsome hair or lack thereof. A truly well-tamed style will always trump mismanaged mop-tops and unkempt presentations, especially when it comes to conveying a prominent social status!

To help you unlock masculine locks and coiffed cunningness, we’ve compiled 20 foolproof tactics that promise flawless hair care for men everywhere!


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1. Stop Using the Comb

It’s officially time to abandon the brushes and combs. While it may seem counterintuitive to stop using these tools, combing on a regular basis actually contributes to limp strands. Over time, the continuous attention can wear out your follicles. This leads to premature thinness up top, so gently fluff your hair using fingertips instead!

2. Pat Softly to Dry

Although it may be gratifying to rub all the moisture away with a towel, this act actually weakens the hair’s texture and sturdiness. In fact, this is one of the fundamental causes of breakage. If a loss of thickness is already an issue, then you will want to be extra careful with how rough you are when it’s time to dry off!

3. Stay Calm and Avoid Anxiety

This one may seem like a no-brainer, although a lot of men forget that stress directly promotes hair loss. Therefore, relaxing on a regular basis is crucial for guys that want to have masterful manes into maturity. If you can’t chill out automatically, then try a manual override via regular scalp massages.

4. Don’t Dry with Heat

Electronic hair dryers may seem like a modern convenience, but they may be roasting your ruffles beyond repair. Excessive heat is responsible for endless cases of devastating damage. The burn ultimately generates a waxy scalp that seals follicles shut while fomenting an unfashionable frizzed effect that may be irrevocably permanent.

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