
Quick Hair Care Tips Straight From The Experts

Are you having a bad hair day? Does the voluminous and bouncy hair flaunted by models make you jealous and a far-fetched dream? Although many of those ads might seem to be going overboard, it is not so difficult to achieve it as a reality by following some do’s and don’t’s. We have curated a list of some of the top hair care tips in this article that will give you the tresses of your dreams. Read on to know more!


#Haircare Tips: Do’s

We have presented you with a list of some daily hair care tips you need to keep in mind for healthy hair. Let us go through them:

1. Wash Your Hair Regularly:

Regular washing your hair helps keep your scalp and hair free from excess oil and dirt. However, depending on their personal preferences and hair type determines the right frequency to wash your hair. For example, limit your hair washing to twice a week if you have extremely dry hair. On the other hand, washing your hair on alternate days can help with an oily scalp.

2. Choose Chemical-Free Shampoo:

It is best to choose a chemical-free shampoo because you can’t control the environmental factors that damage your hair. There is a high chance of your hair staying healthy when using shampoo with fewer chemicals. Depending on your hair type, choose a gentle shampoo. Avoid shampoos that have parabens or sulfates because they can cause skin irritation.

3. Condition Your Hair Correctly:

A conditioner helps make your hair fall straight and manageable with the help of ingredients present in its formulation. In addition, the conditioning process is necessary to protect your hair from heat styling and environmental aggressors. However, don’t apply the conditioner to the scalp and only on the tips. Post-application, make sure to rinse your hair thoroughly.

4. Let Your Hair Dry Naturally:

Blow-drying might be a quick and easy way to dry your hair, but blow drying your hair frequently can cause more damage than good. After shampooing, the best way to dry your hair is air drying or towel drying. But make sure you are gentle while using a towel because harsh rubbing might result in cuticle damage.

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