47 Fantastic Gundam Tattoo Ideas with Meanings
Gundam is a Japanese science-fiction franchise that spans multiple media and combines military and civilian elements. In this franchise, gigantic robots, or mecha, are called “Gundam,” created by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Sunrise Entertainment. With Mobile Suit Gundam, a TV show airing on April 7, 1979, the anime genre was defined by giant robots, Mobile Suits, that operated in a militaristic setting and featured highly advanced mechas (including the original titular mecha). A series and its merchandise were so popular that they inspired 50 TV series, films, and OVAs as well as manga, novels, and video games, as well as an industry of plastic model kits known as Gunpla, which accounts for 90 percent of the Japanese character plastic-model market.
It is important to note that Japanese academics have had the Gundam series as inspiration for years. In 2008, the national virtual Gundam Academy was planned as the first academic institution based on an animated television series. Through its subsidiaries Sotsu and Sunrise, Bandai Namco Holdings holds full ownership of the franchise as of March 2020. By the year 2000, the Gundam franchise had grossed over $5 billion in retail sales. A Gundam franchise sales year since 2014 currently totals 80 billion Yen per year. Of this amount, 18.4 billion Yen is a product of retail sales of toys and hobby goods.
Fans of Gundam consider the Gundam universe to be more than just another anime series they like, it is an element of identity they identify with. It is the perfect way to showcase this aspect of your personality; why not get yourself a Gundam tattoo? Founded in the 1970s, Gundam has an interesting history. Despite its originality in the realm of armed robots, this series does not disappoint. Raijin Z and Ghost in the Shell would both be impossible without Gundam. In the world of anime, Gundam is nothing short of innovative.