
Fashion Inspired by the Hogwarts Houses – Hufflepuff

JK Rowling changed the world when she wrote the Harry Potter series. Not only did she write seven amazing novels, but she created a new and exciting world for all of her readers to lose themselves in. And after the responses to our posts on Hermione Granger’s style, and Fashion Inspired by Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part I, we know you guys love these books as much as we do!

If you don’t already know the story of Harry Potter, there’s too much to summarize here, so we recommend picking up the books already (you’ll thank us!) or checking out the HP Wikipedia Page for a detailed summary. Suffice to say the books revolve around Harry, an orphan boy who, on his 11th birthday, finds out he is a famous wizard, and is invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Hogwarts is separated into four houses, each named after one of the founders of the school: Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor. Once students arrive at Hogwarts for their first year, the magical Sorting Hat is placed upon their head to choose which house they belong in according to their personality.

Each Hogwarts house has a distinct set of characteristics that it values, along with an interesting historical background. This series of articles features fashion inspired by each of the four Hogwarts houses. First up is Hufflepuff. (If you’re not a Hufflepuff, see our articles on Gryffindor fashion, Ravenclaw fashion, and Slytherin fashion.)

Table of Contents

Hufflepuff History and Facts

  • Founder: Hufflepuff was founded by Helga Hufflepuff, a sweet and talented witch who was exceptionally skilled in food-related charms. Many of her recipes are still used in the Hogwarts kitchens.
  • Animal Mascot: Badger
  • House Colors: Yellow and Black
  • Head of House: Professor Sprout, the Herbology teacher
  • Common Room: located underneath Hogwarts. To enter, students pass through a painting near the kitchens. It is quite cozy, despite being underground, and there are tunnels that lead from the common room to the round, barrel top-shaped doors of the dormitories. The Hufflepuff common room is the only one that Harry and his friends do not visit in the books or movies, so it isn’t described in great detail.

Do you have what it takes to be a Hufflepuff?

Helga Hufflepuff valued a number of traits when choosing students to be in her house. To be a Hufflepuff, you need to be compassionate, hardworking, friendly, loyal, just, and non-judgmental.

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