Fashion tips

Fashion for Your Body Shape: The Basics

Let me just start by saying that I’m not a believer in dressing to hide any part of yourself. I firmly believe that everyone can wear whatever they want and pull it off with the right blend of personal style and confidence!

I’ve received emails recently about certain outfits I put together on the site and how they’re not appropriate for “curvy” body types. And to that I say, why not?


Who says a size 2 can wear something a size 14 can’t? Who says you can’t wear skinny jeans just because you have hips? And who says what’s attractive anyway? We don’t all think the same things look good, and we don’t all have to dress in accordance with someone else’s rules.

I really feel that you should never be afraid to wear anything based on your body type.

That said, I’ve also received tons of emails from readers wanting me to write an article on style for different body types. I know this is a hot topic in fashion, and I do think that it can be a good jumping off point when you start to develop your own personal style.

Therefore, this article will be an overview on the basics of dressing based on body type and how to draw attention to your best body parts. I’m not, however, going to tell you that you need to draw attention away from “trouble areas.” That’s just not true! And of course, these tips are a general overview, and not to be taken as something you “have” to follow.

Table of Contents

Tips for dressing any body shape

Fit is essential.

The most important rule to remember when it comes to dressing your body is FIT. If your clothes are too tight, you won’t look or feel good. If they’re too loose, ditto. Clothes that fit you perfectly will be more flattering than anything else, period.

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