
Looking For The Great Benefits Of Betel Leaf During Pregnancy?

In some parts of the world, it is a common practice to have a betel leaf after meals. This aids in the digestive processes and also has some other benefits. Meethapaan during pregnancy is more of a craving that some ladies may face. Some places tradition plays an important role too. So eating the betel leaf may be part of the daily rituals, especially after meals. In some areas, betel nut is also put on the breasts as they feel it helps to increase the breast milk. So eating betel leaf (paan) during pregnancy may seem like an okay thing to do for many mothers.


Is it Safe to Eat Plan During Pregnancy:

Even though betel leaf is a common item in some places, the use of it during pregnancy is debated. So is paan safe during pregnancy cannot have a positive answer. We know now that paan causes oral cancer in many people when consumed on a daily basis. So it is best to avoid this while you are pregnant to keep your baby healthy and safe.

See More: Benefits and Risks of Eating Basil During Pregnancy

Why it is Common to Eat Betel Leaves & Pan in Pregnancy:

Many places in the world have a tradition of eating betel leaf on a regular basis. This leaf is usually consumed after a meal as it increases salivation. This aids in digestion. So even pregnant women tend to continue this tradition and have the betel leaves or pan while they are expecting. It may be okay to have betel leaves once in a while, but consuming them daily is really not a good idea. Since this causes oral cancer, the harmful effects of

Benefits of Betel Leaf During Pregnancy:

Betel leaves have their own benefit and this is the reason why many people consume it. One of the main reasons is stimulating your appetite. So most mothers feel better eating betel leaves as constipation is a major concern for them. As expecting mothers cannot press hard on their bodies to relieve themselves, anything that helps to pass motions is a good enough thing. As betel leaves provide you with a movement of the bowels, this makes it easier for women. There are also many antioxidants that are present which are good for you. Choose the clean leaves and then chew them well.

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