Hair type

Dry Hair Vs. Oily Hair Vs. Normal Hair — Here’s How to Tell Your Hair Type

You have probably heard hairstylists or other people talk about hair types. Your hair type is the texture of your hair and the amount of oil your scalp produces. Let’s dig the differences between dry hair, oily hair, and normal hair so that you can tell which hair type you have.



What Exactly Is Hair Type?

Learning your hair type can help you formulate a more effective and personalized hair care routine.

The type of care that a hair type needs isn’t necessarily healthy for another. Learning about your hair type can make all the difference in a healthy, comfortable head of hair and hair that is damaged, irritated, or unhealthy.

No matter what type of hair you have, it’s vital to learn about how to care for it!


Dry Hair

Dry hair is characterized by less-than-effective or underactive oil glands. People who have dry hair usually also have dry skin, though the two aren’t connected 100 percent of the time.

If you have dry hair, you have a lower-than-average amount of oil in your scalp. This can happen either because of genetics or because of overexposure to heat from the sun or heat treatments (i.e., blow dryers, flat irons, curling irons, and other tools). It can also happen if you use a lot of harsh chemicals in your hair, including dyes and bleach.


How To Know If You Have Dry Hair

You can usually tell that you have dry hair is your hair is:

  • Thick
  • Rough or coarse
  • Brittle
  • Prone to be frizzy
  • Prone to develop split ends
  • Easy to break

You might also have dry hair if you have frequent scalp irritation or dandruff. This can be a result of your skin not producing the oil it needs to stay comfortably moisturized and healthy.


How To Care For Dry Hair

Caring for dry hair is all about replacing the oils that your hair and scalp lose. Use moisturizing hair treatments to add moisture and oil back into your hair.

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