Tattoos with meaning

What Does Dragon Tattoo Mean?

There are many mythological creatures out there that have a following. From the movies to books, the fantasy genre has created a giant fan base towards these creatures. Dragons might be the most popular of all the mythological creatures. There is so much lore and history behind them that we can’t blame people for loving them. People are such big fans that they choose to get the image tattooed on their body.

The dragon tattoo is hugely popular not only because looks great on the skin, but also because there are plenty of dragon tattoo meanings to choose from. You can get a dragon tattoo in just about any color and any size, which means that it is one of the more customizable tattoos. They are a fit for any style of tattooing and work on any skin color.


In this post we are going to be talking about the dragon and the meanings behind the dragon tattoos. As we were saying, there are many variations of this tattoo with a multitude of different meanings. We’ll talk about those variations and if it makes the symbolism different. By the end of this post, we hope you have a better understanding of what it means to have a dragon tattoo.

About the Dragon

The dragon is a mythical creature whose name is derived from a Greek word meaning “huge serpent”. This creature has ties with several cultures from European folklore and Middle Eastern mythology to Asian influence. While not everyone will use these more ancient dragon tattoo meanings, some do like the fact that they can attach these stories to the dragon images that they choose to get.

In European culture, dragons were seen as creatures of evil that must be slain by a noble knight. The evil dragons that are seen in current books, TV shows, and movies often get their influence from those classic European tales. An easy way that people can show that their dragon tattoos are of the more evil variety is to show fire coming out of the dragon’s mouth or to have it “coming out” of the skin. Even people who don’t want to use an evil dragon tattoo meaning might be tempted to get one of these designs simply because they like the way the dragon looks.

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