
17 Types of Dreams: Why Do You Get Nightmares and their Means

Every human in this world will dream something in their sleep. Some dreams may come true and some may leave as dreams only. Generally, people say that whatever we think before sleep it may appear as a dream or whatever works we had done since morning, we perform the same actions in sleep also. There are many types of dreams and their meanings are sometimes related to reality or just meaningless.

What Makes You Have Dreams: Causes of Nightmares-

Dreams are created due to Rapid Eye Movement. Even when we are fast asleep, our brain continues to function, however not in an active state. Due to this, it often pulls back the feelings, emotions and experiences that we have internally and unconsciously. They are essentially an image of what we randomly think in our mind and can be unrelated stories.


Generally dreams consist of emotions, sensations, ideas and images which are involuntarily done in mind in stage of sleep. Dreams occur in rapid eye movement stage of sleep. Some dreams are memorable and vivid. Length of dream varies for 20-30 minutes. On an average a person can dream 3- 5 dreams in night and some has the capability of seven. Mostly dreams are forgotten quickly. In an eight-hour sleep length of dream will be two hours.

17 Different Types of Dreams in Adults:

Dreams have different natures like exciting, magical, frightening, adventurous, sexual and melancholic. Not only humans even some animals like mammals also experience rapid eye moment. Some dreams are classified according to its nature. Here are a few common types of dreams:

1. Day Dreams:

On average a person can dream a daydream of 70-120 minutes of waking stage. In daydreams, people will be semi-awake. It means they will not sleep fully in reality. A daydream starts with the memory of fantasy and imagination which runs away. How long a daydream, a person will get immersed in to the private fantasy land. For a person a daydream is called body present mind absent. A daydream is good for rehearsing a positive result. Concerns and deep worries also result in daydreams. As the mind starts wandering level of awareness of physical appearance will decrease.

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