College life

10 Crazy Simple Decluttering Tips You’ll Want to Try ASAP

Via Unsplash

One of your new year’s resolutions may be getting organized, or at the very least, eliminating some of the clutter from your space. If you’re looking to get your life organized this year, decluttering is a fantastic place to start.

There are a million and one articles online about decluttering and organizing and frankly it can get overwhelming if you aren’t a naturally neat person. So today I’ve rounded up some insanely simple decluttering tips to get you started.


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First: Why should you declutter?

There are a lot of reasons to declutter. An article on The Spruce shares 7 reasons that you should declutter. But the main reason to organize your space and get rid of things you don’t need is because it makes your life easier.

Less stuff means fewer things to clean, fewer things to organize, and fewer things to misplace. When you have less stuff, it’s harder for things to get messy, and you’ll waste less time looking for things because you’ll know where everything is. You may also save money, because when you know what you have, you won’t re-buy anything by accident.

Also, there’s a mental aspect to decluttering — humans are visual beings, and the sight of clutter can be enough to get our stress hormones going. If self care is one of your new year’s resolutions, decluttering should be a part of your routine.

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