Tattoo ideas

What Does Deadpool Tattoo Mean?

From action figures to hit movies, Deadpool is one of the most popular Marvel characters in the world. His popularity was really pushed to the forefront with the success of Marvel’s Deadpool movie in 2016. It was so popular, in fact, that it grossed $132,434,639 in the opening weekend. This ranked the movie number 1 all time in top opening weekends for a rated R movie.

Because of this popularity you’re starting to see more and more people with Deadpool tattooed on their body. In this article, we’ll talk about the origins of Deadpool and what makes him one of the more intriguing comic book characters out there. The Deadpool tattoo comes in many styles and shapes but no matter how it is inked, there is no mistaking that red mask with those big black eyes.


The story behind Deadpool starts with the man behind the mask. Wade Wilson is an enigmatic man. Not much is known of the Canadian. What we do know is that his mother died of cancer when he was a young man. This left him in the care of his abusive military father.

Wade was a bit of a wild child and would act out. This was most likely in spite of his father, but I digress. Wade was drinking in a bar with some buddies when his father tried to come in and take Wade out of the bar. One of his friends took Wade’s father’s gun and killed him with it.

Now being parentless with no guidance, Wade ventured into the world of being a mercenary. I suppose one redeeming quality of Wade Wilson was he would only take contracts on people that he felt deserved to die. In his mercenary work, Wade traveled all over the world taking on contracts and when he failed, he would use plastic surgery to disguise who he was.

When Wade eventually made his way to the United States he fell in love with a young street walker named Vanessa Carlysle. They both grew up in hard times and therefore connected on a level that neither of them had felt in their lives.

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