Tattoo ideas

What Does Camera Tattoo Mean?

After that came the full frame DSLR that was created in Japan. By the time 2000’s came around these DSLR cameras had become the main camera used across society, movies and television. Also in this time frame, the camera phone was invented by Sharp with the J-SH04 J-Phone. As the years passed, only the higher end phones had build in cameras but once 2010 rolled around, almost every smartphone had a built-in camera.

Now that you have somewhat of an idea of the timeline for cameras, we can discuss what the camera tattoo means and why so many people decide to capture this image forever on their leg. There isn’t a lot of information out there on why people decide on a camera tattoo, but we have a few ideas by talking to people in the tattoo industry.


Fans of photography are the obvious choice for people that get camera tattoos. Photography allows the person to have a creative outlet to work from. It’s full of technology and it’s fast moving. Because it’s so readily available on our current technology, everyone in the world can take pictures to capture that special moment. For the creative, the camera tattoo represents a big part of their life if they are into photography.

What better way to commemorate your hobby than to get a tattoo of it. The camera tattoo lets others know that you are a fan of snapping shots and keeping them for your memories. 20 years down the road, people will wish they had been taking photographs to remember loved ones or special moments.

Another reason to get a camera tattoo is to represent your introverted lifestyle. It takes a bit of reality out of the equation when you’re looking through the lens. Introversion is defined as being mainly interested in your own self. Introverts can be characterized as being somewhat reflective or reserved. Popular thought by many psychologists is characterize the introvert as someone who’s energy expands through self-reflection while it dwindles when interreacting with others.

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