
The 8 Best Surf Movies of All Time

Over the decades the movie industry has never been afraid to wade in on appealing but challenging to capture topics, exploring themes and environments that, for the most part, are unfamiliar to the viewing public. Perhaps the most significant example of this is the genre of sci-fi, where the spectator is taken into a completely foreign world and often indulged with a gripping and authentic sense of escapism. Laser beams and all.

Another genre you might say that the movie industry has attempted to achieve a similar audience experience is that of surfing. Albeit of this planet, the pastime of surfing is certainly not your everyday hobby. Yet, its appeal to a broader audience is unquestionable, often leaving non-surfers – and surfers alike – with an unmistakable feeling of freedom and a fundamental connection with mother nature. 


Our compilation of the eight best surf movies of all time is a mixed bag featuring films released over different decades, yet somehow all encapsulate that radical and sometimes illogical act of wave riding. Surfer or not, read on and discover your next getaway from reality, courtesy of that all-encompassing blue canvas we call the ocean.

1. Big Wednesday

Possibly the most iconic of all surf movies on our list, and aptly starting things off, this 70s era coming-of-age tale works so many angles other than surfing itself. The backdrop explores themes such as sex, addiction, and even war. Not what you might expect when you envisage a surfer strutting down the beach board underarm, but still, this movie doesn’t sugar-coat the Californian surf dream of the 60s and 70s one inch. And for this alone, it’s quite possibly one of the best surf movies ever made.

2. North Shore

Set in the flashy and fluorescent driven 80s, North Shore is the classic story of one man’s journey to conquer his goal. This aside, time hasn’t been overly kind to this production, and occasionally the dialogue and acting can come off, well, a little goofy – but this is definitely part of the charm if you decide to watch it in this day and age.

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