Men's watches

The Best Gold Watches You Can Buy In 2022

Gold watches have long divided opinion, and with good reason. Bit gauche, aren’t they? For a lot of people who own them, it’s less about style and more about wearing your bank balance on your wrist. A gold watch is the epitome of 1980s Wall Street yuppies. Patrick Bateman had one. Donald Trump has several. And today, the trend is kept alive by oligarchs, Gulf State royalty and the rich kids of Instagram (and, yes, Donald Trump).

But either yuppie styling is making an unlikely comeback or the world is starting to reappraise gold timepieces. Just as watch brands began to hark back to subtler designs and smaller dials, Rolex, Cartier and other manufactures have placed big statement pieces back in the spotlight.


“At this year’s Baselworld, countless brands pushed bold, yellow gold pieces after a few years focusing on smaller watches,” says Erica Redgrave, buyer at luxury watch retailer Bucherer. “Though instead of diamond-encrusted bezels or a wealth of features, the best pieces countered the showmanship with simpler dials and minimal detailing.” Something that should come as sweet relief to anyone who doesn’t quite share Mr. T’s taste in accessories.

That said, those American Psycho vibes are hard to shake, so err on the side of the caution. “The biggest mistake is getting the wrong tone of gold, especially when matching accessories and jewellery,” says Terry Markham, head of buying at “Too yellow, and your resulting outfit will run vulgar, while paler tones can be forgettable on the wrist.” The remedy lies with a happy medium: a gold that shines without looking like a Las Vegas casino sign.

What Types Of Gold Watch Are There?

You know what they say: all that glitters isn’t gold. And this has never been more true than when it comes to watches. A timepiece with a solid gold case is possible but it’s also likely to cost you more than a car. There are other options, however.

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