Men's fitness

The Best Arms Workout You’re Not Doing

Like getting to those last specks of dust under the bed or shaving the awkward hairs under your nose, training your difficult-to-target forearms seems like an almost impossible task. The problem grows when you realize they’re the one gain that will likely be on permanent display all year long.

So while leg day will be hidden beneath your trousers and those bench press gains shrouded behind a curtain of wool and cotton, you’re bound to roll up your sleeves one day and have to unveil the oft-forgotten forearms below.


Thank goodness then that gym-favorite triceps and biceps exercises will hit your forearms too. Moves such as bicep curls, push-ups, and tricep pull-downs will all work the other side of your elbow, and once you’ve got the basics of these must-do compound movements down, you can tailor your workouts to focus on just the forearms.

The benefits go beyond filling your shirt sleeves, too.

“Strengthening the forearm muscles and improving their conditioning, mobility and motor control could potentially help keep chronic pain away from sporting activities such as tennis or golfer’s elbow,” says James Castle Mason, a trainer at London’s Roar Fitness.

What’s more, Mason explains that “forearm strength is required in many upper body exercises for better pulling and pressing movements. Weak forearms or grip strength can be a limiting factor in acquiring muscle and strength developments elsewhere.”

In other words, getting to grips with the best forearm exercises will benefit not just your forearms but the majority of your upper body.

The Arm Workout That Builds Your Forearms, Too

Mason has put together a four-part workout comprised of two compound and two isolation exercises. Each of the below will rope your forearms in as part of a complex exercise that benefits your entire arms, and other areas of fitness too.

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