Style & tattoo ideas

80 Baboon Tattoo Ideas For Men – Primate Designs

In Egyptian mythology, the baboon was represented by Babi, a sacred deity and attendant to the great god Thoth.

This certainly offers a significant glimpse into the lasting legacy of the baboon, and the reason so many honor the primate to this day.


Known for their keen intelligence and equally deft survival skills, the mighty baboon is more than just a National Geographic curiosity or Disney cartoon. The baboon represents the wisdom of the ancient realm and perseverance in the violent modern world.

A baboon tattoo holds many meanings, with the wearer ultimately choosing his own connection to the animal. Perhaps it is the baboon’s exotic and stately beauty that strikes you as worthy of celebration, and the many ornate and colorful ink renditions certainly support this sentiment. In parts of the world where the baboon species dwells, various cultures believe the animal to be a powerful totem for those who suffer from great misfortune, be it illness, financial trouble, or grief. The baboon is an alpha through and through, and the man who honors this spirit animal takes charge of his fate and works to overcome any diversities that lay in his path.

In dream analysis, the appearance of the baboon represents the need for one to reclaim his place in his community and world at large, particularly if his reputation has been compromised. After all, the baboon is not just a figure of “monkey business,” but a fiercely tribal leader that defends his family and loved ones at all costs.

Your baboon tattoo is your guardian and leader, a figure from the animal kingdom sent to protect and guide you on your journey. The path ahead may be dark and wild, and full of unnamed dangers, but with the strength of the baboon you can take on any obstacle and emerge triumphant at last.



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