Fashion tips

Ask CF: What Do I Wear to an Afternoon Tea?

Welcome to the latest edition of Ask CF! Every two weeks, we select a reader fashion question and answer it here on the site. Do you have a specific fashion question for us? Scroll to the bottom of this post to learn how to send it our way!

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Ask CF Question


I’m an avid reader of the website and have been for a few years now, so now I’m faced with a fashion question and I thought I’d turn to you.

I’m attending a bridal shower at a posh afternoon tea room in April, and am stuck with what to wear! I want to be well-dressed but stay warm at the same time (the weather in London is notoriously unpredictable – it could be raining/windy/fairly warm all at the same time) and I’d like to wear nice shoes (preferably heels) that I can manage to walk across town and up and down Tube escalators in.

Thanks for your advice!

Our Response

Dear High Tea Hottie,

First of all, can I just say how fun this bridal shower sounds?! That seems like a blast! I know not everyone is lucky enough to have this sort of event coming up, but the chic and sophisticated style of high tea also works for other occasions that hit a little closer to home for the typical college fashionista, such as graduation parties or even a formal brunch.

The first style suggestion I have is to dress with extreme class, so I would gravitate toward modest hems and necklines in classic cuts. Secondly, it’s spring! Spring colors are beautiful, and pastels are very on-trend for the season, so when picking out your outfit think bright colors instead of somber ones.

Lastly, the idea of a tea party brings back childhood memories of playing dress-up, and this bridal shower is just a more mature version. The whole concept feels inherently feminine to me, so flaunt girly styles and embrace some fabulous heels that make you feel chic and confident.

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