Mature women style

20 Best Accessories For Women Over 60 For All Seasons

Best Accessories for Women Over 60. Turning older certainly does not mean one has to retire from following trends. Wrinkles, Greying hair and loose skin certainly do not certify that one’s too old for fashion. What it does mean, however, is that it is time to embrace your skin, your age and do fashion like never done before.

60’s and above is one period of life where your choices are your own and can reflect your personal taste without any external influences. So go ahead and put your best foot forward! Accessories seem to be the most important part of every outfit but they are most important as one progresses in age. Accessories can be used to camouflage parts of the body that one wants to downplay or conceal. Items like Sunglasses, scarves, handbags can come in most handy.


What Accessories to Wear in Your Sixties

Before anything else, here are some tips that you must keep in mind when it comes to accessorizing your looks:

  • Do not go overboard with your Jewels, Nobody wants to be a walking-talking Jewellery Store.
  • Wearing single crystal or diamond bands on the fingers is the way to go.
  • Do not wear too many rings if you do not prefer bringing in attention to the hands.
  • Add in Statement necklaces if your outfit is too basic.
  • Avoid chunkier looking necklaces if your skin is too loose and droopy around the neck.
  • Wear simpler diamond studs to bring the focus to your ears.
  • Do not wear drop earrings if you do not wish to draw too much attention to the neck.
  • Add in a scarf to make the entire outfit a bit more elegant.

↓ 20. Earrings for Older Women

Earrings can be very tricky when it comes to accessories for older women, they can make or break an outfit. Earrings can be categorized into smaller studs or the drop earrings that can be used to create a statement look. Both of these can be very well worn by older women, however, it comes down to what a person wants to downplay or accentuate. Wearing drop earrings with a wrinkled, thin neck is a no-no. With a neck like that, it is preferable to wear diamond studs (Real or Fake) to shift the attention from the neck to the ears. Wearing alluring pieces of jewels in your ears can also remove the excess attention from the eyes. With progressing age comes deteriorating skin condition, leaving behind the saggy,  loose and wrinkled skin. However, this certainly does not mean that one can not wear drop earrings at all. You should also have a look at these Casual Outfit Ideas for Women Over 60.

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