Tattoos with meaning

What Does Penguin Tattoo Mean?

Residing in the Southern Hemisphere, Penguins are in a ground of flightless, aquatic birds. The Galapagos penguin is the only member of the family that lives north of the equator. These beautiful creatures spend about half of their lives in the water. With their white and dark plumage and flipper arms, these animals have adapted into great hunters of the water.

Not only are these birds excellent hunters and efficient in the water, they are some of the most likeable animals in the world. Who doesn’t like a penguin? It wasn’t until people started traveling more that penguins were even seen. Because of where they live, penguins weren’t see much. This is because the climate is not an easy one to live in on the account of the cold. However, that doesn’t stop people from falling in love with these little guys.


As you could guess, the penguin tattoo is a very popular one. In addition to just looking cool, these animals wreak of symbolism. In this post, we will explore some of the symbolism behind the penguin and what they might mean for the person being tattooed.

As far as characteristics go, one to note is their ability to adapt. Penguins are inhabitants of an area of the world that most animals or humans cannot survive. Most penguins live in the cold and the kind of cold where they reside is a brutal one. In addition to the cold, penguins must endure storms and hurricanes because they live close to water. Having a penguin tattoo could represent your ability to change or how you’ve adapted to change in your life.

Another trait that might be thought of when getting a penguin tattoo is their monogamous behavior. It is quite odd for an animal to stick with one mate. Most of the time the urge to procreate is deep in the bones of animals. It’s their duty to make as many babies as possible with as many different mates as possible. These keeps their bloodlines alive. Think again for penguins. These cute little guys stick with the same mate for life. This is a quality we should all strive for.

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